Steps To Succeed

Harry Odilli
3 min readApr 2, 2020

Everyone from every stratum is toiling to achieve success. People opt for different ways to reach their destination. Some read more to widen their mental horizon, whereas, others enhance their skills to get a cutting edge over others or do a couple of things that can make them a perfect fit to achieve more in life. But there are some common traits viz. discipline, passion, and grit that everyone has to acquire when they have an insatiable thirst for success. The following points can be of great help if you are one of those seeking a way to lead an outstanding life.

Draft the significant jobs
For a very long time, we have been listening to the notion that might is right but in the contemporary era, things are different. Successful people understand the fact that it is quite easier to follow and stay on track when we keep reminding ourselves about the important things. Moreover, it also helps in strategizing.

Unquestionably, most of us keep us busy in many unproductive activities that hardly do us any good. It is a time tested technique that developing a prioritized plan not only makes completing the tasks easy but also saves a good deal of time that can be further utilized in many productive ways.

If you want to shine like the sun, you get to burn like the sun

No doubt, every one of us knows this fact, however, we tend to forget that every single goal we want to achieve comes at a price. Acting according to a certain timetable is a price that everyone has to pay daily to own success. History is full of examples where we have been taught that persistence is the key to profound possibilities.

Battle for the best
Prepare your mind to believe unshakably that circumstances can only change when we are ready to see changes. In simple words, more often than not, thoughts cloud the mind that time will bring us the things that are destined for us forgetting the fact that good things do not come to those who wait but fight. Steve Jobs once mentioned that our time is limited and we just cannot afford to waste it.

Maintain your mindset
It is easy to feel motivated for some time but with time, the pace of life again makes masses forget about everything and start feeling demotivated. So, when making a routine, do remember that it is as equally important to feed our brains as it is to feed our bodies. Watching or reading something inspirational regularly helps us remind the fact that nothing is impossible to pain and patience.

Thinking rationally is always pivotal. As important as thinking of rewards, introspection is quite vital. On one hand, thinking of the rewards infuses verve and vigor and on the other hand, introspection is what acts one’s guidepost. Assessing one’s action benefits one like anything. If anyone has a crystal clear picture, it makes it possible to bring changes that are required to make things happen.



Harry Odilli

I’m a Tech Entho who loves to read and write about latest gadgets. Movies reviews will also be in my menu as I’m a big movie buff.